Warm & Plush 90in x 25yd

The Warm Company is pleased to introduce quilters to a new friend – Warm & Plush! Warm & Plush is the warmest natural batting ever manufactured – no scrim, just 50% more soft, warm cotton! The natural, ultra clean 100% cotton remains soft and pliable, whether quilting is close or up to 6″ apart. You’ll appreciate how the top and backing fabrics cling to Warm & Plush while the tension is perfect for floating in quilt frames. *THE WARM COMPANY DROP SHIP MINIMUM IS $200.00 (any case combination). ***Drop Ship** *Freight Intensive** Dropship and Freight Intensive items are non-returnable*** Billable transportation charges for freight intensive items will be the greater of the dimensional weight compared to the actual weight. In addition to transportation charges, freight carriers may assess an additional oversize charge per package.***